Kayla Unbehaun, Who Vanished at 9, Was Found after Dad Prayed Every Day for 6 Years to Find Her Alive


A father never gave up on finding his daughter after she was abducted. Even after six years of constant searching, he never lost hope of one day finding his little girl. He prayed for her safety every day, hoping she would one day be returned to him.

Every parent dreads the thought of losing their child. The fear of a missing child strikes terror into the heart of almost every mother and father. For one dad, this fear became reality, and he spent the next six years of his life praying for his daughter’s safe return.

Kayla Unbehaun went missing in 2017, and her dad, Ryan Iskerka, kept hoping he would one day see his little girl again. Although he had no way of communicating with her or knowing whether she was safe and happy, he occasionally posted on social media to express how much he missed his daughter.

On January 5, 2023, Ryan wrote a long birthday message to his missing girl, congratulating her on turning 15. In the note, he explained how much he missed Kayla and wrote, “I think of you every day hoping and praying that you are safe, happy, and that you will come back into my life soon.”

Ryan had sole custody of Kayla after her mother, Heather Unbehaun, attempted to subvert him in court. Despite Kayla being missing for six years, Ryan held onto the hope that she remembered how much he loved her and the happy times they spent together as a family. He continued to pray for her return, writing, “And I’ve loved you through all of this.”

At the time of Kayla’s disappearance, the family lived in South Elgin, Illinois. Ryan doubted he would ever see his daughter again but kept hoping. He revealed that Kayla’s non-custodial mother took her from him without permission and without informing him.

Ryan shared the story of how his ex-wife took their daughter without his permission. Initially, he and Kayla’s mother were happily married, but problems arose, and they decided to separate. This led to a lengthy custody battle, resulting in shared custody of Kayla.

Heather wanted to move to Athens, Georgia, with Kayla, and while Ryan wouldn’t stand in her way, he wanted to ensure he would still see his daughter. They were in the process of setting up a visitation schedule when Heather packed up and moved without telling Ryan.

When Ryan found out about the move during a phone call with Kayla, he decided to file for child support and visitation rights, which Heather saw as “a declaration of war.” They went to court, and Heather did everything she could to delay the visitation schedule.

During the legal battle, Ryan barely got to see his daughter, only talking to her for a few hours on Skype and seeing her in person when Heather returned to town for the holidays. The time apart strained Ryan’s relationship with Kayla, and he noticed she was often distant.

After Heather tried to subvert Ryan in court, he was awarded sole custody of their daughter. Kayla moved in with Ryan, but in July, Heather picked Kayla up for a camping trip. When Ryan went to pick Kayla up on July 5, he heard nothing from Heather. On July 29, 2017, a felony arrest warrant for Heather was issued. Ryan wrote to his daughter, “I will never give up on you.”

After six years of searching for his daughter, Ryan finally received some good news. Kayla was spotted in a shop in Asheville, North Carolina, in May 2023 by a store clerk who recognized her. The clerk contacted the police, and the authorities responded.

The store employee, who wished to remain anonymous, commented, “It was the right thing to do.”

Following the successful search for Kayla, Lt. Diana Loveland from Asheville encouraged others to report similar sightings in the future, stating, “It is unusual, but it’s good that when someone does suspect that they recognize someone, no matter how old the story might be, that they are not afraid to give us a call so we can come to investigate.”

The Asheville Police soon apprehended Heather, who was sent to the Buncombe County Detention Facility in North Carolina, held on a $250,000 bond.

Kayla’s case received significant attention over the years. Ryan and his family created a Facebook group, “Bring Kayla Home,” dedicated to sharing news and raising awareness about the abduction. Kayla’s disappearance was also featured on Netflix’s “Unsolved Mysteries,” where the store clerk recognized her from.

Ryan thanked everyone who kept the case alive and spread awareness. He wrote, “I’m overjoyed that Kayla is home safe. I want to thank the South Elgin Police Department, the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children and all of the law enforcement agencies who assisted with her case.”

The six years apart took a toll on Ryan’s relationship with his daughter. In his statement, he asked for privacy while he slowly rebuilt his relationship with Kayla. Determined not to lose his daughter again, he reflected on his journey, saying, “There is nothing I want more than to have you back in my life.” And now she is.

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